Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Rob Barry helps lead the Wall Street Journal’s investigative data team. He has reported on topics including nation-state hacking campaigns and influence operations, the unintended consequences in the fight against terror-finance, killings by police and doctors who bill Medicare millions for esoteric procedures. He was part of the team awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting for a series of stories detailing Medicare overbilling and fraud. Previously, he worked at The Miami Herald, where he was a Pulitzer finalist for work on the conditions inside Florida’s assisted living facilities.
Relevant Stories:
Wall Street Journal Wins Investigative Pulitzer, The Wall Street Journal, April 2015
The 2015 Pulitzer Prize Winner in Investigative Reporting,, 2015
Taxpayers Pay Big Medicare Tab for Unusual Doctor Billings, The Wall Street Journal, June 2014