ICON AWARDS NOMINATION Submitter Contact InformationFIRST NAME(Required)LAST NAME(Required)TITLE(Required)COMPANY(Required)EMAIL(Required)PHONE(Required)NominationWHAT AWARD ARE YOU NOMINATING FOR(Required)CEOTechnology ExecutiveCustomer ExecutiveCustomer InnovationInnovationVanguardTell us about the CEO you’re nominating:Tell us about the utility you’re nominating:Tell us about the Technology Executive you’re nominating:Why should this executive win the Technology Executive award?Tell us about the Customer Executive you’re nominating:Why should this customer executive win the Customer Executive award?Tell us about the Customer Innovation you’re nominating:Why should this project, program, or initiative win the Customer Innovation Icon?Tell us about the innovation you’re nominating:Tell us about the accomplishments for CEO that you’re nominating:Tell us about the accomplishments for Technology Executive that you’re nominating:Tell us about the innovation and business transformation accomplishments at the utility that you’re nominating:Tell us about the accomplishments for the Customer Executive that you’re nominating:Tell us about the benefits of the Customer Innovation that you’re nominating:Tell us about the benefits of the innovation that you’re nominating:What else would you like the judges' panel to know about your nominee?How can we reach the nominee?Please include contact information for the nominee for follow-upHow can we reach the nominee?Please include contact information for the lead or major stakeholder in the project for follow-up.